Add Pinterest Board Widget on a WordPress Post

I wanted to feature related Pinterest boards on this WordPress blog and couldn’t find any specific plugins that accomplished this tasks. I found ones that let you put a link to your Pinterest account or I could use a Pinterest widget to add a text sidebar general account boards, but I wanted to make it easy for me to add a specific board to the post.

So I decided put on my geek hat to add some custom code to add this functionality to my blog.

The first step is to add a custom field to your posts. If you don’t have the custom field functionality turned on, then go to the top right corner of your screen when you are logged in as an admin. You will see Screen Options tab.

Edit Post ‹ Crafty Geek — WordPress 2016-01-04 14-15-48Click on Screen Options to expand the tab. You will see several options and one of them is Custom Fields. If it is not checked, then select the checkbox and you will now have the custom field functionality.

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