How to Make Simple Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

I am really trying to reduce waste in my house by replacing single-use items with reusable/washable items. I had some free time on a weekend and decided to focus on making reusable makeup remover pads that I can throw in the laundry and then reuse.

I found some soft cotton flannel remnant in a light yellow that I knew would be perfect for this project.

Materials Needed for Reusable Makeup Remover Pads:

This is an easy project that can be done while binging your favorite show and needs just a few materials.

  • Scissors
  • Cotton Flannel
  • Needle
  • Matching Thread
Materials for reusable makeup remover pads

Step 1: Cut the squares

When I cut my squares, I chose 2.5-inch length as a good size for these reusable makeup removal pads. Since these are small and they don’t need to be perfect, I just used my ruler and then cut a mark at the 2.5-inch measurement and then eyeballed the rest of the cut. Each pad needs three layers, so you need to cut three squares for each one.

Showing a ruler at 2.5 inches on the cotton fabric for reusable makeup remover pads
Image 1. Measuring out 2.5 inches

Step 2: Pin the Layers Together

Once you have three 2.5″ squares of cotton flannel:

  • Pin them together (for the outside layers – wrong sides together if they have a printed side). There should be one sandwiched in between
  • Cut some thread abut 36 inches long and thread through the needle so the ends are meets (the needle should be at the halfway point).
  • Tie a knot at the end of the thread ends so you should have about 18 inches of thread.
2.5 inch squares pinned together for reusable makeup remover pads
Image 2. Pin the two layers together

Step 3: Start Sewing the Squares

Now it is ready to sew the reusable makeup remover pads together:

  • Take the corner of the top layer and push the needle from the inside part of the top layer to outside part of the top layer. See Image 3
  • Pull the thread through so the knot that was tied will be inside the finished pad. See Image 4

Step 4: Continue Sewing The Layers Together

Once the needle is through during Step 3, take the need over the edge and push the needle through on the side side from Step 3 (see Image 5). The needle should be going through on the same side as the three goes over the edge. Keep pushing the needle through moving it along the edges. At the corner, just continue to the next side. Keep moving along until all sides have been sew (See Image 6). To end the stitch, use the needle to go under the last stitch and tie a knot by doing motion twice.

This type of stitch is called the whip stitch, and I have included a great video below if you want more details.

Using the Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

Once about 8 pads sewn (see Image 7), use them just like disposable ones would be used. They can be used with any makeup remover product or soap and water.

I have a little jar that I put my used remover pads in until it is time to do laundry. These can be laundered just like you would any cotton fabric clothing. The main recommendation is to get a small net bag (lingerie bags) that they can be placed inside for washing to keep them together and not get lost in the rest of the laundry. Once washed, place them in the dryer to dry and then use again.

Image 7. Finished reusable makeup remover pads

The best thing is that these can be made in any colors or prints so these can be fun to make. They make great gifts for friends – include with a little glass jar with lid and bow with an environmentally-friendly, gentle makeup remover.